
Free nicotine vapes scheme

We are a part of the national #SwaptoStop scheme, providing free vapes to smokers to help them break the habit.

Here's how we can help you

Are you looking to stop smoking? The Lewisham NHS Stop Smoking Service website can help you find out everything you need to know on how we cn help you to stop smoking.

Appointments & dropins

17 locations across Lewisham

Online quit tool

Step by step tool to help you quit

Specialist services

Covering pregnancy & mental health


Medication to suit all individuals

Check out our top tips

Coping & Craving

Stop & Stay Stopped

Helping with withdrawal

Minutes away from better health

Your quit day!
20 min

Your blood pressure and pulse return to normal. Circulation improves - especially in hands and feet.

8 hours

Your blood oxygen levels return to normal and your chance of having a heart attack falls.

24 hours

Carbon monoxide leaves your body. Your lungs start to clear out mucus and debris.

48 hours

Congratulations! Your body is now nicotine free. Have you noticed how your sense of taste and smell have improved?

72 hours

Your breathing is easier. You have more energy.

2-12 weeks

Circulation is now improved throughout your body. It's easier for you to walk and exercise now.

3-9 months

Your lung efficiency is up by 5-10%. Breathing problems are fading away. Say goodbye to coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing.

5 years

You now have only half the chance of having a heart attack compared to a smoker.

10 years

The chance of you getting lung cancer is now half that of a smoker. Your chances of having a heart attack are now the same as someone who's never smoked.

Cancer Research UK
Stroke Assosication
Family Action
Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
British Heart Foundation