At Lewisham Stop Smoking Service we understand how difficult it can be to overcome your addiction to smoking tobacco, especially if you suffer from mental health problems.


Fortunately though there are medications that can really help to ease your cravings and some of the other discomforts you may experience when you first quit smoking.

At the core of our service is the belief that each person is an individual and we tailor our stop smoking support programme around your particular needs and circumstances.

For people with mental health problems, quitting smoking can have the added benefit of allowing them to take a lower dose of some medications, which can mean less unpleasant side effects. Additionally, it has been proven that anxiety, depression, and stress levels are lower after giving up tobacco and that non-smoker’s quality of life and mood improves.

Removing tobacco from your lifestyle can also help you to reduce your use of other trigger substances such as alcohol and psychoactive drugs. Not only does this boost your chances of success but it will also help any medication that you are prescribed to work more effectively.


If you would like to find out more about the support we can offer you, a family member or friend with mental health problems to stop smoking for good, why not call Ronnie on 07824 521368 or email